Spring Cleaning Your Mind, Body and Spirit

meditationAs spring arrives and life around us begins to awaken anew, it’s a great time to think about our resolutions. Perhaps, you made healthy goals or commitments for yourself and your family back in January. How are you doing with those? How is your family doing? If you can’t answer with an enthusiastic thumb’s up, that’s okay. Take a moment, now, to rethink your plans. Create new springtime goals to spring clean your mind, body, and spirit.
The staff at The Yoga Kids is here to help you. Consider creating a family yoga routine to encourage healthy living and to connect with those you love. Try setting aside a little time each day to focus on yoga with your children.
As you probably know, the benefits of yoga are endless. From deep relaxation to reduced stress, from flexibility to a better night’s sleep, yoga is an exercise program that is beneficial for all areas of your life: mind, body, and spirit.
If you are just beginning a yoga program with your family, invest in quality yoga mats, like those sold here at TheYogaKids. Yoga mats are important to protect your body from slips and strains. Soft green mats with a closed-cell construction to prevent germs are available for purchase in both children and adult sizes. Each mat is lightweight, slip resistant, and easy to clean.
Yoga ProductsA fun way to add a little variety to your yoga routine is to take it outside. On a warmer day, take your yoga mats, set them on the grass, and try a downward-facing dog pose. The fresh air and sunshine will feel great as you move through the poses. The Yoga Warrior Cards, available on our website, are fun for a family yoga session. Pick a game to play, such as Concentration, War/Peace, or Last Yogi Standing (instructions included). When a match is made, do the yoga pose. If your children are reluctant to try yoga, this can be a fun introduction.
We also have a new offering on our website: Affirmation Cards. These cards encourage children and adults to remember the positive aspects of their personalities and to not focus on the perceived negative traits. Before starting your family yoga routine, have every one pick one card at random. Then, as they work through the poses, have them repeat this affirmation in their mind or out loud.
Finding Stillness WithinIf you or your child need a little more mental or spiritual relaxation, try using guided imagery. The e-book, Finding the Stillness Within: Using Guided Imagery to Promote Peace, Creativity, and Well-Being in the Preteens and Teens, was written to encourage the use of guided imagery for preteens and teens. This can be a difficult time for these kids, and guided imagery can help them deal with the stress and chaos of this time. This e-book can be purchased through our website, as well. CDs of guided relaxation for all ages can be found at childrensyoga.
diamond:pink2For even more yoga resources, check out all that is offered at childrensyoga. They carry many items, including CDs, woolen shawls, and workshops.
Springtime can feel like a brand-new start as the days get longer, the sun melts the snow, flowers bloom, and birds start chirping once again. Allow this time of rebirth to heal you mind, body, and spirit. Happy Spring!