I cleaned my garage yesterday. It’s amazing how such a menial task made me feel so cleansed and new! There’s nothing like committing a couple of hours to spring cleaning, and the garage is a great place to start. Because unlike your house, it actually appears to be a finite space. Of course, your house IS a finite space. But for some of us, cleaning the house from top to bottom appears far more daunting and never-ending.
Kids Yoga Teacher Training
Maybe garage-cleaning is gratifying because it’s amazingly symbolic of my life. Both my garage and my mind contain some old stuff, some new stuff, some useful stuff, some completely useLESS stuff, stuff I have no idea what to do with, and even stuff I can’t even identify!
There are some things in our minds that clutter up clear thoughts and actions. No doubt, memories are the “old stuff” but they’re also integral parts of our whole being – even if we don’t like some of them.
But hanging on to old concepts, habits and grudges can really hold us back. It’s healthy to release some of these, and to forgive ourselves and others of memories that are bogging us down or keeping us from meeting the new year with a clean, rejuvenated and giving spirit.
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So remember: Cleaning your mind of negative thoughts is just as important as cleaning your home. To get you started, here are two great, natural cleaning recipe from my good friend Monica Koncilja. I’ll have a few more in my next blog. Happy Spring Cleaning!
All-purpose Cleaner (Makes 8 oz.)
For toilet, sinks, tile, wood, plastic
Please note: This is NOT safe for granite or marble
¾ cup of water
¼ cup of white distilled vinegar
1 tsp. borax
40 drops of essential oil (I like the combination of lavender and thyme or grapefruit and
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Disinfectant spray (Makes 2 oz.)
In a 2 oz spritzer bottle filled with 1.5 ounces of purified or distilled water, mix together:
1 tsp. of sunflower oil , olive oil, or almond oil
1 tsp of Everclear or any type of clear vodka 90 proof or higher (this may not be safe to
utilize on some surfaces, and in some states or countries nay not be available to purchase
at the local liquor store). You can substitute the vodka with the essential oil, thyme if you prefer.
A 20-25 drops of essential oil blend (use a combination of any of the following: lavender,
tea tree, thyme, rosemary). Keep in mind thyme is the only essential oil that kills the strep