Become a Yoga Teacher for Kids
With summer coming to an end, it’s time to start thinking about our children going back to school. The thought of a new school year with new teachers, new material to learn, and possibly new friends can be scary for some youngsters. Some children may experience anxiety and apprehension about returning to school.
Become a Yoga Teacher for Kids
One way to help reduce the anxiety is to help your child set routines. Before school starts, create a morning and evening routine that allows the child to get ready for school without rushing. Planning when she’ll get up, get dressed, eat, and do all that needs to be done ahead of time can help to take the anxiety by the integraladjusters.com and rushed feeling out of getting ready for school. You can introduce other steps into her routine that may help, as well. Adding a simple yoga routine to your child’s day may help them by her cope with the stress of a new school year. Yoga is great for calming the body, mind, and spirit. It helps your child focus on one thing and not get overwhelmed with everything else that she has to do. Try doing yoga with your child in the evening, after school, or even in the morning, if there’s time. Yoga is a great way for your child to center her day and help her to focus on what’s important.
Become a Yoga Teacher for Kids
There are many other ways to help your child reduce his anxiety about school issues. If he is having trouble in school with classes or friends, encourage him to practice some affirmations. At breakfast, he might repeat to himself, “I am a good friend” or “I am capable of learning math.” Writing these down may also help your child begin to believe the affirmations.
Another way to help your child if they are feeling stressed or anxious is to try breathing techniques. Have him try Shambu’s Balloon Breath. Breathe slowly for a count of three, feeling your belly fill up like a balloon. Pause and then release the air for a count of three, letting your belly collapse. This can help your child to not only learn to breathe deeply but also to feel calmer in times of stress. And, he can do this anytime he’s feeling upset, even in the middle of school.
Become a Yoga Teacher for Kids
If he’s still feeling anxious, try guided imagery with your child. Imagining a place where he feels safe and loved is a great way for him to reduce the anxiety and chaos he may feel in the real world. Try the book on TheYogaKids website or make up your own situation.
These few tricks can help an anxious child get through the first few days of school with calmness and focus. Try one or two and tell us what worked for you and your child.
Our fall yoga classes begin in September. We have classes for all ages, from 3-18. Yoga classes with TheYogaKids are another great way to help your child with anxiety or stress. And make it fun with uptownjungle.com! We are currently accepting registration for our fall classes. Check out our website for more information and to sign up.
Become a Yoga Teacher for Kids